Student Employees: Be careful with what you post on social media

January 27, 2023
With the increase of new food places in Ridgecrest, many Burroughs students are finding it easier to get a job. With that being said, here’s a reminder to be careful with what you post on social media!
As a student who works at a fast-food restaurant, I’ve witnessed some media-worthy moments, but is it really worth the cost of getting fired? It could mean your references will make it difficult to find a new job, or it could escalate to a point where your picture is viral on every social media platform.
This June will mark the 10-year anniversary when a Ridgecrest Taco Bell employee went viral after posting himself licking a stack of tacos on Facebook. He posed to win an internal contest to show himself enjoying the first bite, but clearly he went against the guidelines. Even though the taco shells were meant for an employee-training session, the taco-licking employee got fired soon after. If you don’t believe how viral it went, just search up “Taco Bell employee” and look at the images!
Still, if your excuse to take the risk is a naive “This is Ridgecrest, what could possibly happen?”, hopefully this incident from 2013 makes you rethink your choices.
Nationwide, businesses have reported that the top reasons employees get in trouble on social media is because they misuse confidential information, misrepresent the view of the business, and make disparaging remarks about the business or employees.
The problematic behavior doesn’t have to be a viral food-contaminating incident; it can be something as common as gossiping about your coworkers or boss. Customer service is key in many food places and stores, so if the employees outwardly express hatred towards their coworkers, it’s difficult for customers to have a positive impression.
In a healthy environment, gossip might be on the mild side. It could be about who is leaving and who is receiving promotions, but it could also be something that would serve no purpose other than the gossiper seeking validation. In the end, it’s better to take a safe route and not post your thoughts about coworkers on social media.
The use of social media will likely increase in future years, so make sure you use it wisely to ensure you keep your job and to prevent yourself from being the next infamous face of the Internet!