Tyler Mather

What is your dream car?

Rolls Royce because of the stars in the ceiling.

What is something from senior year you will never forget?

B-Mountain because it was fun hanging out with all my friends.

If you could go to dinner anywhere before the gala, where would you go? 

Castaways in Santa Clarita because it’s a nice high-end restaurant.

Who is your role model or someone you look up to? 

My dad because he’s very successful and always seems to know everything. He’s my hero.

If you had all the gold in the world, what would you buy?

A private island.

What’s your greatest fear?

Being trapped in a car underwater because I’m scared of drowning.

What celebrity would you want to invite to a gala?

Kevin Hart because he’s funny.

What is one app you can’t live without?

Youtube, because I can watch and learn anything on there.

What are your favorite hobbies to do outside of school? 

I like to workout because it makes me feel good.

What is your biggest pet peeve? 

Chewing with your mouth open because it’s nasty.