Burroughs High School hosts many charity drives in which students can receive extra credit for donations. However, some teachers think that it’s not a fair incentive because not all students have the ability and supplies to donate. Still, the opportunity should remain at hand.
Giving students the chance to donate to charities for extra credit could have the potential to motivate them to do other selfless acts in life. The extra credit could raise the student’s grades, which would inspire them to contribute to the charity drives around the school.
Some people believe that grades should only reflect academic schoolwork. However, the school should teach more than just an academic curriculum. Opening up students’ minds to life lessons on empathy will cause them to become selfless and giving.
If the school taught morals of empathy and acts of giving, students would become more open to donating to those in need and helping others. They would also remember how their high school cared about the student’s future impacts on the world.
Giving students the opportunity to give back to the community will also help them mentally. First, the extra credit will improve a grade and relieve some of the students’ stress. Second, the feeling of helping others in need can improve one’s mood.
Teachers should continue to offer extra credit for donating to charity drives on campus. Doing so would improve students’ morals, well-being, and future.
Students should continue to contribute to the ongoing drives around the school to benefit themselves and others.