School Shout-outs
Be the highlight of someone else’s day!
Is there someone who helped you with homework? Gave you a piece of cake? Made your day?
Let them know you appreciate it by logging in with your Burroughs account here!
Read on for a sampling of shout-outs we’ve received so far.
Ms. Gmitro and Mr. Dickson:
Both of these teachers always encourage their students to go out there and live the lessons they teach.
Natasha Kohut and Mr. Kaufman:
Natasha helped me with homework and Mr. Kaufman is nice to me when I am sad.
Mr. Burch:
Mr. Burch takes time to explain the material, keeps the classes attention, and overall just seems like a awesome person.
Emily Curtis and Sierra Wood:
Emily and Sierra have helped a lot with distance learning. We have developed a strong friendship that is full of laughs and moments that can not be forgotten. I love you guys!
Trevor Carter:
Trevor is my dear friend that is always trying to succeed and pushes me to do the same. He also just got a new cat.
Cindel Barnes, Gage Ballard, Karmen Timko, and Karma Lentz:
Great friends, there when I need them or are feeling down, and they are people I can relate too.
Mrs. Branson:
She really struggled with Canvas in the beginning but has learned it really well over the past couple of weeks. She makes a complete effort every day to give her students the best possible learning experience, even with virtual learning. She’s always willing to learn from her students and takes feedback from her students into consideration.
Kairi Brown:
I appreciate her because she helps me through my school work and anything that I’m struggling with.
Mr. S. Smith:
He is there for his students and has a safe learning environment for us all and if we need to talk about something he’s there to listen.
Leah Cribb:
This morning I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and had a lot on my mind, and without hesitation, she texted me and reassured me to make sure I was safe and okay. She’s helped me all summer to keep myself in check and frequently checked in on my mental health. She deserves so much recognition for keeping me stable in my roughest times.
Dr. Duez:
She explains the material well and is always there for extra help when you need it. She also always makes her class fun no matter how difficult the subject is.
Natasha Kohut:
She is my bestie for the restie and she is so swag and she is always putting everyone before herself.
Mr. West:
He’s understanding, super funny, and just a nice teacher. He always finds a fun thing to talk about.

Annika is a senior and has just begun her fourth year on the Blockbuster staff. She is enthusiastic about her academic career and has been taking college...
hannah barron • Nov 4, 2020 at 8:49 am
I love this, this is an amazing idea! so much creativity.
caleb j mouw • Oct 16, 2020 at 12:54 pm
the online news paper for burroughs is amazing and is great andI would like to see a section where the teachers get to share the news as well so cool.
adviser • Oct 21, 2020 at 7:00 am
Thanks for the feedback! We hope to include more teachers’ stories in the weeks to come.