Daniel Griffith

What is your dream car?

A red 1968 Mustang. They’re classy.

What is something from senior year you will never forget?

Painting B-Mountain because it was fun.

Who is your role model or someone you look up to?

David Goggins. He’s motivational.

If you had all the gold in the world, what would you buy?

A private island.

What’s your greatest fear?

Drowning.. It would be scary.

What celebrity would you want to invite to a gala? 

Younger Denise Richards because she’s beautiful.

What is one app you can’t live without?

Snapchat to text friends.

What are your favorite hobbies to do outside of school? 

The gym. Keeps me healthy.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Crumbs touching my skin. It’s annoying.