“New Year, new me” — how true is it?
January 27, 2023
New Year symbolizes an opportunity for change and new beginnings. It’s common for people to set resolutions to either get rid of a bad habit or continue good practices. But these laundry lists of goals are usually left to gather dust — I’m certainly no stranger to this.
People often set unrealistic goals for themselves or focus on the end result rather than the process. Just think: how many times have you decided to get a gym membership only to never use it? Or resolve to become more productive only to find yourself lacking the motivation to start?
You aren’t a different person once the clock flashes 12:00 a.m., but somehow the phrase, “New year, new me!” makes it seem like that is the case. The passage of time does not influence how you change as a person — your actions do.
So, what can we do? After all, it is hard to form good habits and even harder to break bad ones. Following through with resolutions takes self-discipline.
Instead of setting big goals, you could set smaller, more attainable goals that build up to your final resolution. For example, if you want to become more productive, you could set goals such as finishing your homework by 5 p.m. or making your bed every morning. Soon, these routines become as natural as showering every day.
There are plenty of other ways to tick boxes off your resolutions list. Setting a clear plan is one of the most important. Having a friend to keep you on track is a great idea, too — after all, who doesn’t love company?
Though New Year represents new beginnings, it is important to remember that change is not instantaneous. Taking baby steps toward the end goal is the key. Consider picking out one resolution from your list and creating a plan for how you’ll achieve it.
Who knows? The world might be looking at a new version of yourself in a few months!