Teachers implement Canvas during distance learning
As the new school year starts online, teachers and students are experimenting with different programs to help students stay involved in school. For Burroughs High School and the entire Sierra Sands Unified School District, the program of choice is Canvas, an online platform that allows teachers to schedule Zoom classes, set up and grade assignments, and communicate with their students virtually.
“I think I will end up liking it, but it is SUPER frustrating right now in the learning phase,” said Science Teacher Melanie Branson. “Nothing ever replaces in-person learning. Hopefully, this will smooth out as we all get used to this online stuff.”
Canvas is proving to have a definite learning curve, but hopes for the learning management system are high.
“Canvas is a suitable replacement for in-school learning considering the circumstances,” said junior Taylor Frisbee. Canvas puts all student work in one area for each class, allowing students and teachers to easily keep work organized. Parents may also have a better idea of what their students need to be working on and can better support them.
Every teacher faces challenges when it comes to online learning, but everyone is doing their best to adapt and keep students involved in class. History teacher Douglas Hayes said he hopes to include class discussions in the future.
Learning to use Canvas is decidedly tricky, but Burroughs students and staff are still excited to learn.
“I think that we’re doing the best that we can given the situation,” said Frisbee.

Grace is a Junior at Burroughs, this is her first year being on the staff. She is a varsity swimmer, loves to bake, and loves to watch all kinds of movies...