Burroughs Library faces the challenges of distance learning

Library Clerk Janna Pearce prepares personalized bags of books for students to take home.

Annika Houck, Copy Editor

In years past, the BHS Library has always been available to students seeking books, help, or sanctuary from the weather, but this year it is faced with a difficult challenge as instruction transitions online and campus closes. 

I will really miss being able to go to the library with my friends and seeing the librarians,” said junior Deanna Belt. “Our library is not only a place to get books, it is also one of the biggest social hubs on campus, and I think it will be sorely missed this year.”

Despite the lack of students browsing the shelves, the librarians remain hard at work. Before school started, many Burroughs staff members assisted the library staff with Chromebook and textbook distribution. According to Library Clerk Janna Pearce,  she and her crew of volunteers — Patty Bell, Heidi Smith, Ronelle Cannon, Karina Bullard, Laura Larson, and RPD Officers Gillette and Beard — distributed about 8,000 books to 1,450 students. 

Now, the library staff is still available to students during the school day via email for help with passwords and getting access to Aeries, or to ask questions regarding textbooks and Chromebooks.

We have been working from the library so we can field calls, tech help, new students, textbooks, etc.,” said Library Clerk Janna Pearce. 

Several students are optimistic that the library will be able to help students in more ways. Sophomore Genevieve Vogel is hopeful that books may become available to check out. 

“I know a lot of kids would love to borrow books,” said Vogel, who is missing the quiet atmosphere of the library and all the books. Unfortunately, this so far isn’t a realistic possibility.

“As of now we will not be able to check out ‘fun’ reading books,” said Pearce. “There is no protocol in place to clean books that won’t hurt them.”

For now, students must look forward to the day when they can once again enjoy the peace of the campus library.

“The library is one of my favorite places in the world,” said Belt.