Interact Club prepares sweet treats for new teachers
Senior Manuel Rodriguez (left) and juniors Eldon Mason and David Miranda show off the welcome card and cookies that they planned to give to a new teacher.
September 6, 2022
Starting the school year as a new student can be intimidating, but is it the same for new teachers as well? Interact Club is hoping to sweeten the transition for Burroughs’ new teachers.
The service club’s members annually participate in a “Cookies for New Teachers” project, where many students bake delicious cookies and the club writes kind, welcoming notes in hopes of providing a good first impression of the school environment. This year, students handed out cookies on Aug. 23, to a total of 16 new teachers.
Club Vice President Alexander Vargas, a senior, enjoyed arranging the event with the club and sorting everything out.
“It’s always nice giving back to new teachers because they deserve appreciation for the work,” said Vargas. “It was also well planned, although we did have a lot of cookies left over.”
Students made snickerdoodles, chocolate chip cookies, s’mores, and even sugar cookies shaped like cute bears holding hearts. With a week to plan the event, members thoughtfully volunteered to make cookies at home and each group of three members made cards to give out.
Junior Jacob Fernandez summed up the significance of the small project.
“New teachers tend to need to adapt to their new surroundings and it might be hard at first, especially without people or students reaching out to them first,” said Fernandez. “By doing a small interaction such as giving cookies, we welcome them to our school.”
After the members put cookies in goodie bags and finished their cards, groups went to each teacher’s classroom and hand-delivered messages. If teachers weren’t in their classrooms, the sweet treats were left in their boxes.
Treasurer Kristy Shao, a senior, was surprised at the student turnout for the project.
“It was a little more hectic than I thought because we had a huge group of people and everybody was eager to start right away,” said Shao. “Nevertheless, it worked out in the end as everyone participated in helping with the safe delivery of the cookies.”
Interact plans to participate in more service projects this year, such as the Alzheimer’s Walk, schoolwide fundraisers, and bake sales for non-profit organizations.
Advisor Judy Dwyer acknowledged the efforts Interact Club students make and is looking forward to another productive year.
“Small acts of kindness are one way the Interact students live out the club motto of “Service Above Self,” said Dwyer. “In addition to what has become traditional acts of service, I am looking forward to new ideas and ways the club members can reach out to help others.”
If students are interested in joining, Interact Club meets every Tuesday at the beginning of lunch in Room M41.