Club finds virtual ways to Interact
Interact Club members Sophomore Thomas Wonnacott, Junior Emma Macias, and Junior Elaine Stewart help at the local soup kitchen.
September 12, 2020
In response to the recent pandemic, the BHS Interact Club has shifted their focus to planning virtual events for the year. But one thing remains the same – the club’s commitment to making a difference both near and far through community service.
Senior citizens are lonely due to visitor restrictions and because of this, club members have found a solution to give them company. Interact is working with the High Desert Haven assisted living and facility to have a virtual get-together with the senior citizens. Club President Elliana Tsang, a senior, is looking forward to this experience.
“COVID has definitely put a damper on the world and for us and our regular activities, but it’s also given everyone the chance to branch out and get creative,” said Tsang. “I’m hoping they are thrilled to meet our members and see what we’ve been up to!”
Interact Club usually participates in the Alzheimer’s Walk at LeRoy Jackson Park, but this year has a new approach. Instead of people walking at the park, they will participate by walking in their own neighborhoods on October 24. Vice President Kylie Champion, a senior, thinks it’s still important to participate in events like this because people are doing it for a good cause.
“We’re hoping to continue to connect with students and the community whether it’s virtual or following social distancing rules,” said Champion.
In order to achieve their goals, the club members are meeting virtually, with their first successful general meeting of the year taking place August 25.
“I think our first meeting went well because we had many new members and they all seemed willing to volunteer and participate in service projects,” said Champion. Interact Club planned on helping out at the soup kitchen the Friday of the first meeting, and they had five new members immediately show interest.
Advertising in-person is not a possibility, so recently the club officers have created an Instagram to reach out to the student body (@_bhsinteractclub). Since Instagram is a new platform the club is using to advertise, Interact Club Advisor Judy Dwyer was surprised to see how many new students showed up at the first meeting.
“I was pleased to meet an engaged group of new faces and I’m looking forward to seeing what creative ideas they have for this year,” said Dwyer. Even though Interact Club may not be able to attend the annual Rose Parade Decorating event or fund-raise for charities in person, they are hoping they can find their way around the pandemic and continue to make a difference.