Taylor Fortney
Taylor Fortney
Would you rather be given a crown or a sword at a coronation?
I would rather be given a sword at coronation because that’s super cool.
Do you think you are more damsel in distress or epic heroine?
I think I’m more epic heroine because I like to do things for myself.
If you were crowned ruler, what is the first royal decree you would make?
I would end coronavirus.
Who do you want sitting on the throne next to you?
My brother Jacob Fortney.
If you could build your castle in any place (real or fictional), where would it be and why?
I would build my castle in Colorado because all of my family and cousins can be there with me.
Cinderella had her fairy godmother, Rapunzel had Pascal, Snow had her seven dwarves, Jasmine had Rajah. Who would be your royal sidekick?
My royal sidekick would be my brother because we do everything together and he is my best friend.
The court musicians are playing your song. What is it?
Any Taylor Swift song.
Every ruler has a motto. What’s yours?
Be nice to people at all times because you never know what they could be going through.
All fairy tales end with a happy ending. What do you hope for yours?
I hope for happiness throughout me and my whole family.